Guyz See Something! Ladies chest and Nipple problem you need to know, (see photo) via@sejazzymusic

Sometimes discharge from your nipples is okay and will get better on its own. You are more likely to nipple discharge as you get older and if you have been pregnant at least once.

Nipple discharge is usually not a symptom of breast cancer. But it is important to find out what is causing it and to get treatment. Here are some reasons for nipple discharge:
Stopping breastfeeding
Rubbing on the area from a bra or t-shirt
Inflammation and clogging of the breast ducts (mammary duct ectasia)
Injury to the breast
Non-cancerous brain tumors
Small growth in the breast that is usually not cancer (intraductal papilloma)
Severe hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)
Fibrocystic breast (normal lumpiness in the breast)
Use of certain medicines, such as birth control pills, cimetidine, methyldopa, metoclopramide, phenothiazines, reserpine, tricyclicantidepressants, or verapamil
Use of certain herbs such as anise and fennel
Widening of the milk ducts
Sometimes, babies can have nipple disharge. Your doctor or nurse will call this witch’s milk. It is caused by hormones from the mother before birth, and should go away in 2 weeks.
Cancers that can cause nipplé discharge are:
Paget’s disease of the breast (a rare form of breast cancer) 

Nipple discharge that is NOT normal is:
Comes from only one nipp-lé
Comes out on its own without you squeezing or touching your nipples
Nipple discharge is more likely to be normal if:
It comes out of both nipples
Happens when you squeeze your nipples
The color of the discharge does not tell you whether it is normal or not. The discharge can look milky, clear, yellow, green, or brown.
Squeezing your nipple to check for discharge can make it worse. Leaving them alone may make the nipplé discharge go away.
Medic Health
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